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Posted by on Feb 15, 2021

Morning Calm on Dunlop Lake

Morning Calm on Dunlop Lake

Last summer, I was approached by a relative who asked me to paint a picture to hang over their couch in their new home. Sure, I agreed, though at that time I had no idea what and when I would ever paint it.

One benefit of all this homestay during this Covid-19 lockdown has been my ability to focus on painting. Painting grabs my attention completely and the time that passes is of no concern. It is a wonderful and rewarding escape from reality!

Dunlop Lake painting
Morning Calm on Dunlop Lake – 48″ x 32″ acrylic on canvas – Commissioned

We’ve spent many good times together at the cottage that sits behind this view on Dunlop Lake. On this particular morning, the lake was quite calm and left you with a feeling of peace and serenity. What a perfect image to hang in the home in the city many miles and worlds away from this scene.

I hope it brings them a sense of calmness, and memories of all the wonderful times spent there for many years to come.