Chickadee Snacktime
A nice aspect of living here in Northern Ontario, particularly Elliot Lake, is the abundance of nature trails. If you like getting out for regular walks in the bush, you’ve got it made here. There are extensive trails throughout the area that would appeal both to the novice and the more experienced hiker.
One such trail and a very popular one year-round is the trail system surrounding the Sheriff Creek Wildlife Sanctuary.
Here you’ll find an easy walking trail through the bush, field, over boardwalks, and along a lake. There are many bird feeders and feeding stations that cater to the local birds such as this little chickadee caught chipping away at some sap on a birch tree stump.
White birch and cedar trees are found all over our forests, so this would be a very familiar sight. Chickadees can be found year-round here. Like us, they brave the winter’s cold.
I haven’t painted many birds but really enjoyed painting this little guy!
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